although, i must admit,i do love it when douchebags like santorum or my media-whore ex-guv use polling data to disprove science. i mean, c'mon, how can facts stand up to ideas that 4 out of 5 'mericans agree on? they can't, dummy. don't these "scientists" see that the fish w/ legs ALWAYS gets eaten by a larger, legless fish that has a cross for an eye?
conservative comedy continued:
Rick Santorum - Challenging Science Dogma
although, i must admit,i do love it when douchebags like santorum or my media-whore ex-guv use polling data to disprove science. i mean, c'mon, how can facts stand up to ideas that 4 out of 5 'mericans agree on? they can't, dummy. don't these "scientists" see that the fish w/ legs ALWAYS gets eaten by a larger, legless fish that has a cross for an eye?
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